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Supporting St. Matthew's

Now more than ever, charitable giving is essential to St. Matthew’s as the School begins to rebuild. Each year, St. Matthew’s most immediate need is the Annual Fund, which directly provides resources that are fundamental to the School’s continued success. Capital gifts will enable the School to dynamically rebuild our campus following the November 2010 fire that destroyed the lower school building. The gifts of alumni, parents, grandparents, and friends sustain the spirit of St. Matthew’s and help us to continue to provide an excellent school experience as we grow.

Annual Giving

Unrestricted gifts to the Annual Fund support faculty salaries, financial aid, library acquisitions and extra-curricula activities. From academics to athletics to the arts, the Annual Fund provides the resources vital to the School’s success. The Annual Fund is a yearly fundraising initiative that provides vital support to St. Matthew’s current operating budget. One of the most valuable gifts to St. Matthew’s is an Annual Giving gift that helps pay for current obligations surrounding faculty salaries, library materials, scholarships, classroom equipment, special academic programs, athletic programs and student activities.

Tuition alone covers roughly 80% of the cost of educating each student. The gap between tuition and the actual expense is around $1,300 per student. St. Matthew’s is an independent, non-profit organization and it receives no outside funding from government or parish sources. While the School is associated with the Church, the two are separate financial entities and funds are not co-mingled. This means that 20% of the school budget must be made up each year through fundraising activities such as the Annual Fund and other fundraising efforts. The School relies on the generosity of its alumni, parents, grandparents and friends to ensure that its students receive the academic excellence they deserve.

The tuition at SMES is priced below the actual cost of educating each child so that as many children as possible can experience this unique educational environment. If tuition were raised to the actual cost of educating each student, it would place too large a burden on many parents, and would make it impossible for many qualified students to experience a St. Matthew’s education. Additionally, gifts to the Annual Fund are tax deductible! St. Matthew’s encourages each family to participate in the Annual Fund each year.

Capital Gifts

The fire that destroyed the lower school building was incredibly upsetting to our school community. It is a testament to our tradition of excellence and our SMES family that our academic program was unaffected and our student’s daily campus experience was quickly restored. Through the Partners in Faith Campaign, donors can support the effort to rebuild St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church and School.